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When the glory came, the grave couldn’t hold Him; the prison could not keep Paul and Silas; Lazarus came forth; the Red Sea parted, and never was their lack in the early church. Friend, let’s begin to hunger and thirst for the manifestation of His glory in our life. This is what Freedom Ministries is about. You see, I believe in the end times a spreading out of His glory will ensue upon God's people. There will be an exponential distribution of power, authority, peace, mention a few, that His glory will bring into our lives.


     In fact, in preparation for the growing pressure points ahead, His glory (His abiding Presence) will be the single most armament for the army of God on the earth to be sustainable.  On the other hand, the religious spirit will also increase, which acts as a stranglehold on the church; while apathy medicates and numbs the spirit in people, false doctrines seek to throw people off Truth's path. Fear will abound, but this is a ploy of our adversary to prompt a mighty army to shake in their boots with fear. 

    The ancient Israelites faced many formidable foes. Most of them, the Israelites, claimed decisive victories over. But one day, this mighty army of God was shaking in their boots when they confronted one single man, a giant of a man, Goliath. As this army was paralyzed with fear, a new kind of warrior showed up on the scene, a young lad named David who had learned to slay lions and bears at an early age. From his earliest days, he was weaned on responsibility, discipline, and courage. He was unknown throughout most of his life, but he was walking with God, learning from God. He had learned to fearlessly without fanfare or elaborate armament slay his giants with only a rock and a sling, as a former warrior of his Samuel who killed a thousand men with a donkey's jaw bone. 

   Many of God's people have been living in obscurity as Davids, slaying spiritual lions and bears without fanfare and attention. But we must all learn to walk in the glory for faith to abound and remain steady in our walk, and not fall prey to sin as David did, and as we see many leaders and notable ministries falling today. You cannot lose your place upon the glorious battlefields of our time. It starts with no longer being satisfied by your current spiritual state of being. Then being desperate to be with Him because the darkness has grown such around you that the only place of hope and renewal is to be thrust into His light again.  You see, no matter where you are, or whatever your situation, the light of His glory engulfs you into a sea of His love.

What is His Glory? 


Many people can live without earthly things and pursuits, but no one can truly live without the presence of God. It cannot be purchased for any sum of money. It must be something that comes from the heart and is born out of the soul. The glory of God pertains to everything about the presence and essence of God. It is not only experiential but perhaps most important; it is abiding. We should desire the latter. But we often seek experiences and visitations rather than habitation. At the same time men in the bible  did great exploits for God and were all products of divine encounters or what we might call visitations, because God loves to visit men, just as he did in the garden in the cool of the day Genesis 3:8


    Experiences can be exuberant and powerful. Manifestations of the Spirit's move in signs and wonders, gifts of healing, praises, and shouts of joy and victory as we lift our hands to heaven and dancing because we have a new sense of freedom. Although these encounters are genuinely powerful, individually and corporately, nothing has more long term influence upon our life than a habitation. 

    In other words, The glory of God is the invisible qualities, character, or attributes of God displayed in a visible (or knowable) way. This is why we must cultivate a glory atmosphere in our life. And according to the Bible, the Glory of God Is His Invisible character made visible. We must reflect on a diving world His character. This pursuit makes God's warriors more viable.  Two simple scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10:31 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Romans 3:23 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God I desire both in my walk with the Lord. 

    In line with our comments, the dictionary definition of "glory" often describes it as great praise, splendor, or honor. The glory of God in the splendor that comes from Him. The Bible states, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Here the word glory is used in parallel with "handiwork" or His power or greatness Psalm 19:1. Although men in the bible did great exploits for God and were all products of divine encounters, God loves to visit men, just as he did in the garden in the cool of the day Genesis 3:8, Now God lives in us Colossian 1: 27. The psalmist had so much concern over this, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars,  which you have set in place,4 what is humanity that you are mindful of them,   human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4 


  • Psalm 106:20 speaks of the "glory of God" in this way as well, saying, "They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass." Here, the glory of God is the greatness of who He is. 

  • Proverbs 25:2 adds, "It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." Again, this glory is God's greatness or splendor.

    In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of the glory of God, sharing, "This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it" (John 11:4; also verse 40). In this context, Jesus spoke of resurrecting Lazarus from death. This act would bring glory to God and glorify Jesus. In Acts 7:55, Stephen looked into heaven just before his death and saw the glory of God. In this context, it referred to the greatness of God in heaven.

     In Romans, the phrase "glory of God" is used three times. Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 5:2 speaks of the glory of God in the sense of His greatness. Romans 15:7 shares, "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." In this passage, the glory of God is used in the sense of honoring God. The glory of God is emphasized in several places throughout Paul's other writings. In particular, he notes in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Here again, the glory of God refers to honoring God with one's life. Hebrews 1:3 uses the phrase in another way, sharing, "He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power." The author notes Jesus as the radiance of God's glory. Revelation expresses God's glory in three clear passages.


   First, Revelation 15:8 speaks of the sanctuary being filled with the glory of God. Revelation 21:11 notes the glory of God coming from the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:23 adds that the glory of God serves as the light for the city. Overall, the glory of God is used in a variety of ways in Scripture. It can refer to God's greatness, honor, beauty, power, and light. In every case, the glory of God acknowledges the Lord's supreme strength and our need to both acknowledge and serve Him. Knowing the Glory of God is one thing; to experience Him and have a habitation is another.


How do I walk in His glory? 

The psalmist says, as the deer pants for water in the wilderness, so does my soul long after you. Let's stir it up! Let's begin to pray in tongues when our words are insufficient; Let's enter into fasting if need be. From the early morning hours, begin to ask God to show His glory.

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