Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries
Chofesh ministries

Review the following:
I have been asked from time to time, how many of the select portions of the Psalms should be read at one time. Are the Psalms to be read in their entirety at every session? First, slower is faster. Less is more. The slower you go, the quicker the transformation takes hold. The less we read at one time, the more of the benefit is received earlier. Of course, much of this depends upon the individual. But if the plan is followed faithfully for 30 days, transformation begins well before the month is over. I also recognize that Heaven's Soul Cleanse is unconventional, turning our traditional prayer models on its head. However, it is a new means to reconstitute our lives given by the Lord following my time in Heaven. It is entirely Biblical and God-centered.
Think of the Soul Cleanse like fasting. All fasts require absentenance of some foods in order to reboot various organs in the body . The Soul Cleanse is designed to be a 30 day adventure with God focused upon exaltation and magnifcation. We are learning to move from transactional to transformational prayer, in order to change the inner disposition of our soul.
1. The Psalms should be read as your personal prayers. The Psalmist's words become your words. Let them penetrate your soul as a student following the master. Go slow. If you find yourself just reading them, STOP, and begin again. Take time to visualize yourself with the Psalmist. Remember, quantity and speed are counter-intuitive to the cleansing process. Remain steady. As you begin to settle into your seated posture, feel the presence of the Lord and push away all distractions.
2. Take your daily customary devotion times that you spend with the Lord. Following, do no further reading, intercession, or petition for the rest of the day. Allow your time with the Lord to marinate in your spirit and soul. Keep in mind, you entering into a spiritual fast. Begin to get sensitive to the beauty around you and His handprint everywhere.
3. No matter what comes into your mind, let your thoughts and sensations drift away. Focus on the Psalmist's words that will become your words and meditations. Soon you will step into your mediations as His handprint you discover it daily.
6. On a personal note: I was on the Soul Cleanse for two years, meditating and enjoying these prayers. I know this was an individual assignment from the Lord, but stay faithful for the first 30 days. Likely you will continue as your soul is transformed and the presence of God is present daily.
7. In the process, you will likely confront unpleasant as well defeatist thoughts. You feel the strong urge to pray conventional prayers like asking God for things. Cease from these for 30 days. Things from the past may emerge. Recognize what's going on. Feel whatever is coming up, and just let it be, give it to the Lord, and let the Soul Cleanse continue its work. Understand what and who is calling your attention during such times. It is not the Devil, a demon, or a demonic spirit. It is God reaching down into your soul to allow you to recognize them, so you can then deal with them.
8. Lastly, invite the Holy Spirit into your time before you begin. Remember, this is an invitation from the Lord where you can offer your whole self and come into a cleansing stream.
9. Should you take on this mission, the Psalmist's words will penetrate your soul and saturate your mind. The Spirit of God will give you a new vocabulary. You will become, as the Psalmist states in 45:2, "I address my verses to the King, my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe."
A. No other reading for the day; allow the Psalms to marinate in your soul.
B. No intercession, praise, or petitions (see further explanation in Heavens Soul Cleanse or A Rabbi's Journey to Heaven)
D. The Soul Cleanse period of fasting for 30 days is needed so our soul's transactional prayer life and culture is broken.
E. Trust the Lord with your burdens for 30 days and don't take them back.
F. All abstinence from normal spiritual disciplines are to cease only for 1 month.
G. Take a vacation from your problems and pressures.
E. Pray the Psalms slowly. If you are reading too many you are going to fast and likely reading and not praying them.
F. Remember, you are are fellowshipping with your Heavenly Father.